Privacy Policy

1. Data Controller

Your data shall be processed by INVERAMA, S.L. with registered office at Carrer Pere II de Montcada 1, 08034 Barcelona and with Tax Identification Number NIF B-08061590 (hereinafter referred to as GRUP PERELADA).

2. Purposes and legitimate basis

1) Contact

Through the addresses made available to visitors via the “Contact” section of our website, we shall process the data that you may provide for the sole purpose of providing you with the appropriate reply. Such processing is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest.

2) Human Resources

In addition, our website includes a form by which all those interested in working in GRUP PERELADA or any company or business in its business group may submit their personal information, including the CV.

The data provided by means of this form shall be processed for the sole purpose of assessing your profile in relation to any vacancy we may have in any company in such business group. To this end, we shall assess:

  • Your previous studies and professional experience in relation to any vacancy we may have available from time to time;
  • Carry out the necessary contacts and interviews;
  • Carry out aptitude tests, languages, etc., as required by the vacancy;
  • Any other action required to effectively assess your application.

This processing is carried out on the basis of the pre-contractual obligations undertaken upon sending us your application for any possible vacancy compatible with your professional profile that may be opened by any company in our business group.

3. Communication of data and international transfers

Should you contact us in relation to a company in the group, and whenever it is necessary for such company to access your personal information in order to provide you with a reply, we may communicate to such company the information you have provided. This communication is done on the basis of our legitimate interest.

In addition, should you send us your information to allow us to consider any vacancy in the group, we may communicate your details to the group company that has a vacancy compatible with your professional profile, provided that this is strictly necessary for your participation in any selection process. This information is communicated on the basis of the pre-contractual obligations undertaken upon sending us your application.

4. Duration of the processing and retention of information

All the data you provide when contacting us shall be processed for as long as necessary to reply to your application and for one (1) additional year, should there be any new information related to your initial query.

In relation to the data you may provide for us to assess your application, we shall process such data for a maximum of two (2) years, during which time we may contact you as a candidate in order to inform you of any vacancy that is compatible with your professional profile.

Upon expiry of the above deadlines, your data shall be retained duly anonymised for statistical purposes, whenever possible, or securely blocked in order to comply with any legal obligation and, where appropriate, to file or pursue any claim, until the limitation period of the claim or its decision, if later.

5. Exercise of yout rights

You may object to any of the above processing from time to time.

Should you have any queries, questions or complaints about the way in which we process your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer at

Si tingués qualsevol dubte, qüestió o queixa sobre la forma en la qual tractem les seves dades personals, pot posar-se en contacte amb el nostre Delegat de Protecció de Dades, a l'adreça de correu electrònic or by post at Calle Pere II de Montcada 1, 08034 Barcelona, under the reference “DPO”. If you do not receive a reply within a reasonable period (2 months), you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Authority.